Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ramstein - Marcelo Zarvos (Taking Chance soundtrack)

To all those lovely people who went to Quest...Thank you! You all made it one of the best experiences of my life, and I will never forget it!
Ramstein........This is one of my favorite songs of ALL time. If I'm sad, I will listen to it to make me feel better. If I'm happy, I will listen to it to keep me happy and to make me think. Overall, this song is meant for any mood in my eyes. It is the song I look to when I think about composing my own song on my piano, which is definitely a big dream of mine.
I tried to start writing a song today, but it wasn't working out. I was far too distracted, and my mind was racing with too many stupid thoughts. I couldn't focus...I actually haven't been able to focus for a few days now. It's odd, really. I'm so confused as to the things I'm feeling and what's going through my head. I don't even necessarily know what brought on these thoughts and feelings...I have an idea, but it's not definite. I'm just so confused lately, and I don't how to get "unconfused," if that's a word.
That's where Ramstein comes in. It is such a good thinking song. If you listen to it in succession with two other songs, it creates the best thinking music you will ever find.
1. Prologue - Marcelo Zarvos
2. Ramstein - Marcelo Zarvos
3. Taking Chance - Marcelo Zarvos
You have to listen to them in that order, and I swear, my mind clears up and thoughts come that weren't there before, and things begin to fix. For a few minutes, I can lay there on my bed just thinking in a calm way, no fears really going through my head. It's an amazing feeling...
I hope everyone had a fantastic Pioneer Day and enjoyed some fireworks! Gettin' ready for school to start now................................

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tell Me Why -Taylor Swift

News of the Day: My day of doom is set. On Monday, July 20th at 9:30 in the morning, I will be going to the Oral Surgeon where I will be poked and prodded with needles for an IV, put to sleep, four wisdom teeth will be viciously yanked out of my poor, poor mouth, I will be woken up, only to be sent home to endure the lovely pain and the loopiness that will surely come with the pain meds I will be given. Lame!
In other news, Quest is next week! I am so excited for this experience. I must admit I was very disappointed when I found out there would no longer be Trek. Okay, so that's an understatement. I was the driving force in my ward young woman's group trying to convince everyone to get a petition going. Yeah, but then I was called into the Stake Youth Committee, and I must say that my perspective has changed greatly. The feeling I get when talking about Quest amazes me. From the very first meeting to this upcoming last meeting, I have felt so strongly that every youth in this Orchard Stake needs to attend. I don't know why; I only know that it is a must, and that it will help everyone who attends grow in some way, including myself. I'm so excited!
Song Explanation: The song of the day is indeed Tell Me Why by Taylor Swift. I have just been thinking a lot about my past lately, and this song kind of helps me. The last lines are really what helps me the most. It gives me courage to do what needs to be done so I can be happy. :)

So there you have it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


There comes a point in, I'm sure, everyone's life where the days start going by super fast and you finally wake up one morning to find that a whole month or more has past you by without your noticing. Today was my day of awakening, or at least the beginning of my awakening.
I woke up this morning with nothing special planned. I had work, as per usual, and that was it. I would spend the rest of my day at home being lazy after work. And that's exactly what happened. No one popped in to say a surprise hello. Nothing special at all happened today, and yet I find that it has been one of the most exciting days that I have had in a long while.
My mom drove me to work today giving me an opportunity to take in the scenery around me. I make that fifteen minute drive every day, and it has become so monotonous that it is extremely boring. But today, I was able to look around me and see all the beautiful things there are to see. I'm not talking about actual Salt Lake, because, I'm sorry, but Salt Lake will never be beautiful to me. I'm talking about the grass and trees by the capital building, the large rocks by Victory Road, just so many things that I drive past every single day and never really notice.
And then when I got home, I was able to go and do some serious writing like I haven't been able to do for so long. I have been so dazed this past I don't know how long that I have not been able to concentrate long enough to get any writing done. I am seriously excited about what I was able to accomplish in that area today because of how awake I was!
After writing, I was even able to play my piano for the first time in a while. No one was home, which was fantastic because that is the only time I will play. So I sat down and just played. And for the first time, I didn't really care about what it sounded like. After the first song, I wasn't paying attention to hitting the right notes or making it sound absolutely perfect. I usually do, because I am a perfectionist when it comes to my piano. But today was amazing. I thought about things going on in my life, and I felt so excited for everything! And then I would zone back in my piano, and amazingly, I was actually hitting the right notes, and it sounded really good! I have always loved my piano, because when my fingers touch those keys........magic happens inside me, and everything seems alright with the world for those few moments I get to play. But today, it was even more magical, because things were starting to be fixed in my head that have been unscrewed and out of place for so long now.
To top off my great day, I was able to talk to another one of my friends. We are just starting to become friends again after not really speaking for some time due to drifting on both our parts, and it was so much fun. Nothing serious was talked about at all. It was actually very silly, and I feel very stupid for finding so much pleasure in our silliness, but it was so refreshing to laugh and to smile without forcing myself.
I know that I have a long way to go before I'm fully awake again, and even when I reach that point, it will always take work to keep me appreciating every little moment in my life. But I really enjoyed today, and I hope that this starts the process to my happiness.