Thursday, March 31, 2011

Give me a break!

My list of things to do over my spring/summer semester break (I'm off track!) so that I don't go crazy and become a couch potato:

Go camping. In a tent without showers. Roughing it. :)

Go to Moab with my friends. Don't be afraid of four wheeling...

Go to Colorado with Brynn over Spring Break.

Go biking on Legacy Parkway. I did 51 miles last summer around Bear Lake. I'm going for that again...

Make a dress.

Write in a journal every day.

Go hiking.

Be artsy...Achieve a Megan compliment on being artsy again...

Read the entire Book of Mormon.

Go to the temple once a week.

Paint a picture. It will look like a first grader did it, but that's fine with me. :)

Have FHE every week.

Make a meal for my family at least once a week.

Attend the Single's Ward.

Read 3 books a month.

Read one encyclopedia topic every other day. Keep learning even though school won't be in session!

Learn "Shine" and/or "Liebestraum" on the piano.

This will be a fun break! And one more final thing that isn't on this list but has been on the front of my mind lately (Granted I'm just finishing my freshman year of college...): Look into graduate school. Ivy League. (As if...But still...) Get a Master's Degree.