Monday, June 28, 2010

Harry Potter

The first intallment of the last Harry Potter movie comes out the friday after I turn 19. November 19th. I may be a nerd, but if I'm not at that midnight showing, I just might die. I have grown up with Harry. He is my favorite hero. So, if BYU-Idaho doesn't let up on it's dorm curfew for one night for that midnight showing, I just might cry. Or I'll just come home for that weekend and see it here. Either way.

Oh, and Harry Potter doesn't even compare to Twilight. It's too fantastic to even be near the same level as that vampire crap. Woops. That sounded rude. I apologize...

Anyway....I think I'm an obsessed fan. Sad day...

The trailer: Here.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I have this fear. It's a completely rational fear while being irrational at the same time. I guess I make it irrational.

My fear: Money.

I hate money. It is the one thing that everyone needs in life, and I don't have much of it. Correction: I don't have an abundance of it. I have the amount I need for one year at college, but that's it. That's where my fear comes in.

What happens after one year of college? If I can't find a job, which is likely in this crappy economy, what the heck am I supposed to do? I have to educate myself. I have to get a degree. But how am I expected to do that with no money?

And so I go on no spending 'binges' or whatever you call it. I don't spend anything. The only money that comes out of my account goes toward gas, my cell phone bill, and tithing. Nothing else.

But then I go crazy, because it's nice to do something for myself for once, like getting that ice cream from Arctic Circle I have been craving for a month, or grabbing that I-tunes card that I have told myself I don't need for half a year. And I wind up doing something insane. Like buying a plane ticket to Massachusetts (Even though I still can't find it in me to regret that decision). And then I freak out and go back on a no spending 'binge'.

I hate money. It will forever be my biggest fear in life. Will I have enough of it? Will I ever even be able to do anything fun, or will I be too scared to take out a little money every now and then for me? I swear I'm going to constantly live in fear the rest of my life.

I. Hate. Money.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I have been reckless these past few days. Quite reckless.

After I posted my last blog post, I went home and did it. I did something crazy, something so insane that it kind of freaked me out but exilarated me at the same time. I talked to my mom at 11 p.m., and she told me to go to Massachusetts (Massathuseths as Mara Jade says). I have been wanting to go there for a few months now, but I didn't think it was possible to pay for, and my brain, as mentioned before, likes to come up with a bunch of cons.

1. Is it possible to afford?
2. Would it be stupid of me to leave work for a week?
3. You are actually going to let yourself have fun? Isn't that stupid when college is coming up?
4. What about being an adult. You are 18 now, and you are just going to be reckless and spend money?
5.College is just around the corner, and who spends that much money on a plane ticket before college?
6. What will people think? They will probably think you are being stupid.
7. You are really going to spend money?
8. Really?
(These exact thoughts crossed my mind about a zillion times.)

But guess mom and I went over college expenses and what I would have saved by the end of the summer if I did go to the east coast, and we figured it out....I can afford it and still live for a year at BYU-I without needing to get a job (although I'm still going to look for work up there anyway)!

I searched ticket prices, and JetBlue airlines is the cheapest. When I say the cheapest, I mean between $100 and $300 cheaper than all those other guys. It's probably a miracle. Haha...

I told my friend Brynn. She asked her parents. They said yes to me staying there for a week. My mom bought the tickets with my money so I wouldn't have to look at the screen as my money was taken by the airline. And it's set.

July 12th-July 19th.

I'm goin' to Massachusetts.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer....What's That?

So...I have a problem that needs solving. The thing is, every time I come up with a solution, my brain, being the over thinker it is, shoots it down with a million cons. One pro amidst a million cons. You see my problem?
This is my last summer before college. Before adulthood. And what am I doing with it? I'm sitting at a desk for 7 hours every day, minus Saturdays and Sundays, doing pointless work that leaves me inside all day looking at the bright sunshine through a window.
A window.
Now I don't mean to complain. I love working. It gives me something to do (boring as it is), and it is giving me money at the same time. Money is good. Money is very good. You kinda need it for college these days.
The problem...while I sit here in my little office, all of my senior friends are out doing crazy fun things with their 'last summer.' One of them is going to Arizona. Another is going to New Jersey. Two of them are in Massachusetts right now. Another yet is going to Ireland. Another is going just to Bear Lake. Even Bear Lake sounds amazing right now.
By the end of the summer, I will have quite the sum of money saved for college. But will I have anything to say for these three months of my life? Three months of sitting in front of a memories.
I am the type of person that never allows much fun into my life. I have responsibilities. I have to be responsible. I have to do my church callings. I have to go to work. I have to make money. I have to prepare for adulthood. I might as well already be an adult with all the fun I let myself have at this point.
The point of this rambling, complaining blog post is....I feel like doing something crazy...Like taking a little bit out of my saved money to do something fun, to go somewhere, anywhere even just for a few days just to have a little bit of my 'last summer,' just to be a kid for one moment more.

But my brain just loves coming up with those cons........

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I. Am a high school. Graduate. Whoa.

All the seniors dressed up like marshmallows and blue blobs last night (caps and gowns are lovely things), and we walked across the stage of the Bountiful Regional Center one by one as our names were called. We all moved our tassles to the left, and it was done. Claustrophobia ensued as all the graduates filled the front of the building, and all was finished.

All night Sen10r madness commenced. I have realized I am not a good person past three in the morning. I slap people. I run around like a fool. I think I fell asleep standing but I can't be sure. The only time I was really awake after three was when I won a car. Oh yeah. I won a car.


Bountiful Mazda gave a used car away (a Protege) to the person who could write the best essay. I guess they liked my essay. All the sen10rs were in the auditorium, and they were like, "We have two runner ups." Maria Lee and one other girl each received a hundred dollars. By this point, I was dead in my chair until I heard, "Deborah Moody!" For some unexplained reason, I shot out of my seat and stuck my hands in the air and yelled, "YEAH!" I'm pretty embarrased. At least Iwon't have to see most of those people again...except for at reunions...dang it!

Anyway, I walked onto the stage and waved at my screaming friends and then went outside with the spokesman to look at my new car. My new car...


Amy, Caitlin, Austin, and Jeremy ran after me and tackled me. I almost fell to the ground. It made my life. And then I got my picture taken with the car, I got to sit in my car, and I was given information on when and where to pick it up.

I won a car.

Holy jeez.

What a way to end High School, eh?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just Don't

Last night, I was going to go running. I was all ready, dressed and everything, when my friend Natalie wanted to hang out. I had asked her before, but plans fell through. Now they were back on. So I get out of my running clothes and am about to go to her home when the plans fall through again. Natalie has to clean her home.

So I get back into my running clothing when Joel texts me asking, "Debba G - Where you at girl?" Well, I really hate that name, but I answered anyway and said I was at home. Plans were arranged yet again for me to go to Natalie's to hang out with Joel and her while she cleaned. So I get out of my running stuff yet again and make my way over there totally excited to hang out with two people I don't get to see much of anymore.

We sit around talking and having fun for about 45 minutes before Natalie has to leave. So I decide....It's only 9. I could totally still go on my run. I get all ready and I get out to my usual running spot (the graveyard where my grandpa is...creepy yes, but it's quiet and very clear of distractions), and I start running.

FINALLY! I feel the air rushing past me and it feels so flipping amazing! I can't stop! A runner's high begins until I let my mind come into play and I start thinking, "Wow, it's darker than I thought. And I'm in a graveyard. Alone." Stupid mind. Freaked out, I ran really fast for about 10 minutes before quitting out of fear (it had turned black by this point) and sprinting back to my car. I'm a scared person. It's pretty annoying. Anyway...Moral of the story: No matter how much you need to run, DON'T RUN ALONE IN A GRAVEYARD WHEN IT'S BLACK OUT!

That is all.